These zombies are a human-like race created by Satan. When the "zombie-looking freaks" begin taking over the world, dirty cops Jeff and Cage find...
A young woman leaves her abusive boyfriend to go and stay with her two best friends, documentary makers Stevie & Rose. After an evening of...
Witchouse III: Demon Fire
While hiking in a remote forest, college student Zack disappears, leaving nothing but a bloody trail for his traumatized friend Tom. Now a year later...
A desperate producer faced with unemployment has the ultimate reality television program ready to roll.
Hell Asylum
Framed for a murder he didn't commit, a young man sets out to exact revenge on the girlfriend, mobsters and friends who put him behind bars.
Blood, Bullets, Buffoons
Carlos wants to be an actor. But his father, Pepe, wants him to work in the family business, that is, male prostitution. Carlos decides that he will...
Star Maps
In a dystopian future where people live nocturnally to avoid the harmful rays of the sun, a young black girl unravels the lie that has kept her and...
They Charge For The Sun
After an Alien invasion, the invaders decide to convert humans to a work force... An underground resistor, the Ghost, has some special skills that...
A team of treasure hunters take over Alcatraz Island in search of diamonds and encounter a shape-changing alien.
International terrorists get a surprise when their cargo turns out to contain living dinosaurs. The army commando team now have to think fast, if...
Carnosaur 3: Primal Species