Captain Emma Fitzgerald receives a two year assignment at Nellis Air Force Base with the Thunderbirds team, the Air Force’s famed demonstration...
Come Fly with Me
"No Reservations" is social commentary inspired by true-life events, giving a hypothetical look at what life would be like if the roles in Standing...
No Reservations
Cursed from childhood to fail at romance, Betty’s relationships have always ended in disaster. But when she meets Alex, she’s tempted to...
Betty's Bad Luck In Love
Crime series actress Hadley Warner retires to a small town where she encounters her first real case. Using her TV crime knowledge, she teams up with...
CrimeTime: Freefall
After death, everyone gets one week to choose where to spend eternity. For Joan, Larry, and Luke, it’s really a question of who to spend it...
At the age of 17, Griselda Blanco, made her way to the U.S. with a fake passport with her first husband Carlos. Living in Queens with her three sons,...
Cocaine Godmother
Someone begins taunting Aurora Teagarden with cryptic clues left at crime scenes, so the librarian-turned-crime buff attempts to figure out who is...
Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: A Game of Cat and Mouse
A sensitive waiter is triggered when he sees prawns burning alive for the dinner special.
The modest wedding plans of a celebrity and his down-to-earth fiancée escalate while Mick gets an enticing opportunity Olivia won’t let...
Sealed With a Kiss: Wedding March 6