A story about Janina Duszejko, an elderly woman, who lives alone in the Klodzko Valley where a series of mysterious crimes are committed. Duszejko is...
A handsome young chauffeur hired by a powerful and charismatic businesswoman discovers he has been made an unwitting party to fraud, but his moral...
Weekend Stories: Unwritten Law
After spending some time in a hospital, Ewa returns to her Polish village to work on a wild rose plantation. Her family situation gets increasingly...
Wild Roses
From his childhood in Poland to his adolescence in Nice to his years as a student in Paris and his tough training as a pilot during World War II,...
Promise at Dawn
Four stories about women's issues, loosely connected, and all with an erotic element.
Erotica 2022
A single mother of two daughters has to meet her ex-husband due to an illness of one of them. The family’s tragedy touches all the members of...
Loved Ones
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