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Moudrý Engelbert
Dokud jsou ryby němé
Marek (Jirí Holý), formerly a driver of a long-distance lorry, has served his term for smuggling art works abroad and is released from...
One of Them Is the Murderer
Stříbrná šestka
The story of the film is based on the classical tale about seven naughty sons, whom their mother cursed in anger and thus turned into ravens. When...
The Seven Ravens
Manželská čtyřhra
A Czech TV film adaptation of Budd Schulberg's novel The Harder They Fall, which had previously been made as the 1956 US movie of the same name...
The Harder They Fall
Brigitka a já
Náš táta Bezlíček
This tale is about young Ludvik (Robert Nespor) an erstwhile, budding scientist whose practical sense leads him to experiment before his common sense...
The Explosion Will Be at Five
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