Modern or Anarchy
The film follows Saki (Momotsuki), Mei (Kudo), and Kaho (Teramoto), the members of the budding idol group called Wish as they are set to appear in...
Welcome to Toei Slaughterhouse
Ishi To Schadenfreude
Kou, who had been living a dull life with no hope for the future, meets the charismatic Hee Bro. and regains the sparkle in his life. When Hee Bro....
i ai
A world wide electrical outage occurs. Everything that requires electricity comes to a stop. Tokyo is nearly ruined. Yoshiyuki Suzuki decides to...
Survival Family
Manta Okamoto is a strange young man. He is prone to spontaneous tantrums. On the verge of hikikomori, he faces reality through numbers and with a...